تفصيل المواد الدراسية



Course Title

English Language Level 103


Course Code

ELI 103


Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of ELI 102 or an Oxford Online Placement Test score corresponding to elementary proficiency level.



There are two  credits  for  this  course.  Successful completion of ELI 103  is  the prerequisite for taking ELI 104. Successful completion of ELI 103 and ELI 104 gives students the necessary credits to meet the Foundation Year English requirement.


Course Description

ELI  103  is  a  pre-intermediate  level  course  aiming  to  build  and  further improve  language  proficiency  at  A2 Way-stage  level  on  the  Common  European  Framework  of Reference  for Languages  (CEFR), moving  into the B1 Threshold Level on the CEFR.  It is a seven-week module course with 18 hours of instruction each week.


Course Goal

The  course  aims  at  helping  learners  to  achieve  an  overall  English  language proficiency  leading  to beginner  Independent User of  language defined  as  low B1  level on  the Common  European  Framework of Reference  for  Languages  (CEFR), developing  conversational skills, expressing ideas, and helping learners deal with problems and situations where they meet unpredictable language.


Course Objectives

The course is intended to accomplish its goal in one full academic module of seven weeks through developing students’ language skills to:

  1. Read and understand the main ideas of a variety of texts*. (READING)
  2. Understand the main points and straightforward factual details on a range of familiar matters given in clear and relatively slow speech. (LISTENING COMPREHENSION)
  3. Have conversations, express personal opinions and exchange information on familiar topics. (SPEAKING)
  4. Produce short connected texts divided into paragraphs on familiar topics using appropriate vocabulary** in an adequately developed response. (WRITING)
  5. Demonstrate control of a limited range of vocabulary** and grammatical structures with minor inconsistencies. (USE OF ENGLISH)

* Medium-length texts of 250-500 words in frequently used grammatical structures at this level.

** vocabulary from the word lists for units 3-11

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are descriptions of what students will know or be able to do with the language as a result of instruction. A student learning outcome is written in terms of observable and measurable language skills. The table below lists the SLOs according to their Macro skills.

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11/2/2014 9:19:08 AM